Eliminating PFAS
In the past year, we have been made aware of the potential harm of a series of chemicals known as PFAS commonly used on upholstery fabrics. Senior Project Manager, Katy McKee, has led the charge in our office in educating our staff and researching the latest laws enacted in each state regarding fabrics used in the interior design of upholstery and draperies. Based on our research and current understanding of their properties, we will only be selecting PFAS-free fabrics for our projects.
“We feel strongly about protecting the residents we serve and the environment. As such, we have phased fabrics containing these chemicals out of our resource library and will only be considering PFAS-free fabrics,” said McKee. “Our commitment to quality and wellbeing compelled us to add this qualification to any new samples brought into our library and products we specify.”
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PFAS are widely used, long-lasting chemicals that have been used in industry consumer products since the 1940s. The components of these chemicals break down slowly over time and can build up in people, animals, and the environment over time. This exposure to PFAS may be linked to harmful health effects.
We have had multiple educational sessions with vendors about this topic. Just recently, Roger Mathis, Director of Outreach at Crypton was in our office discussing their products and commitment to creating healthier environments. Crypton Fabrics has been researching and testing technologies for more sustainable products for several years and began manufacturing PFAS- free fabrics in October of 2022.
“We are absolutely impressed with how Faulkner’s team has chosen to meet the subject ‘head on’ and be proactive,” said Mathis. ”
For 31 years, Faulkner Design Group has been dedicated to designing environments that transform lives. We're always growing and learning ways to positively affect the lives of the residents we serve. FDG will continue to research this topic and others that affect the environments of the communities we design. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our commitment to PFAS-free products.
For more information about PFAS from the EPA, click here.